Wise County Historical Society Bookstore Activities
Wise County Historical Society
PO Box 368, Wise, VA 24293
See Book Category below
Entries are listed by category. Please refer to Ordering Information below.
The Bookstore’s topics include genealogy, history, folklore and culture of the Southern Appalachians.
Please bookmark this page and visit often. We will update The Bookstore as our offerings expand.
For more information, please e-mail the Society at: wchs_133@yahoo.com and specify the book
you are interested in or contact Wanda Rose, Subscriptions and Orders at wandaatwise@yahoo.com
or call her at (276) 328-6569.
- Book of the Month
- Books at Reduced Prices
- Civil War
- Family History
- Folklore and Legend
- Local and Regional History
- Miscellaneous
- Melungeon
- Native American
- Railroads
- Revolutionary War
- Wise County Historical Society Publications