The Red Fox Trail near Pound, Virginia where a massacre took place.
If you would like to read more about the story of Doc Taylor, “The Red Fox of the Cumberland” and the Massacre of Pound Gap, you will find it in Charles A. Johnson’s book,[intlink id=”8″ type=”page”]WISE COUNTY VIRGINIA[/intlink]. You will find it in the Bookstore on this site or visit Wise County Historical Society Office and Bookstore at the Courthouse in Wise.
Killing Rock In Pound, VA
Hiking the trail
Taking A Breather
Railroad Station Site
Shortcuts up the Mountain
Drinking from the Stream
Site of Ambush
Pausing for Thought
The story is a remarkable account of how evil and deviant a human being can be to another. I also think of the poor horses (hitched to the wagon) that couldn’t even run away from the bullets flying by that obviously must’ve hit some major arteries for all the great amounts of blood that was pooling in the road. Women begging for their lives, and even killing children. My understanding is that even after they killed their main target (Ira Mullins,) they continued shooting his face and groin area with laughter. The only witness, Jane Mullins, was ambushed a couple years later to keep her from testifying. People should also know that this case never met justice. Although the perpetrators are all now passed away, we should never forget or allow something like this to happen again !