Womens Church Group from the Davis Chapel Church in Ramsey submitted by Rick Tunnell Pictured: Standing L-R Ruth Stapleton, Buelah Turner, Lillie Tunnell, Nannie Hickman, Eula ?, ? Hurd, Edna Thacker, Janie Brickey, Mrs. Gilreath, Mrs. Murray, Juanita Gilreath, Janie Stidham, Mrs. Absher, Mattie Fogarty, Ellen Kelly, Aileen Kelly. On the ground L-R Ruth Pike w/brother, ?, ? ,Thelma Collins Osborne, Sarah Collins, Mrs. Davis, Eliza Akers w/ grandson -Eddie Joe Estep, Joyce Collins, Charlotte Collins , Loretta Stidham, Child-unknown.

Big Stone Gap Baseball Team

William Madison “Buck” Greear. He and two more killed George Wells in 1864 at Herald on Sandy Ridge.

L to R: JC, Kes and Harve Franks. Three brothers in WW2

Palmer Nelson Football Team 1937

John Counts family from Dickenson County

Marv Austin

Evelyn Slemp’s Picture, Railroad at Glamorgan
L to R William Carter, Pickney Carter, Dute Carter, Unknown

Family from Scott County, VA

David and Ellen Bise Rose from Dickenson County

John May of Pikeville, KY

George Dewey Scott’s Band the Midnight Troubadours
Pictured LtoR Trombone: Worley Swindall
Drums: George Dewey Scott
Banjo: Elmer Dotson
Piano: Edmona Swindall
Sax: Lee Mullins
Clarinet: unknown

Baptizing in Guest River.
Rev Lil McConnell on far right.

Virginia City School

Old High Knob Tower
Stuart Rose with G Grandchildren
Alex and Damon Kilgore

Pictured : Top row Lto R Nita Bond, Teacher- David Perry- Pauline Estep- Emmitt Dingus- Evelyn Stallard- Gerald Thompson
2nd row LtoR Eugene Smith- Betty Brewer- Bill White- Sharon Lay
3rd row LtoR Violet Stallard- Bob Culbertson- Barbara Gibson- W C McConnell
4th row L to R Emory Stallard- Margaret May- Jack Willis- Barbara Gilmar- Gene Cockren- Clotean Barr
5th row LtoR Yvonne Holbrooks- Lois Kilgore- Margaret Kennedy- Oma Estep- Jennette Stapleton- Nancy Tompson 6th row Lto R Nina Hilton- Lois McConnell- Ann Strong- Tonya Kilgore- Phyllis Kiser-