Places of Interest to Visit In Wise County

Appalachia: Food, Churches, Schools, Shops.
Roaring Branch: Near Appalachia, VA
Bee Rock Tunnel-Worlds second shortest railroad tunnell beside the beautiful Powell River
[intlink id=”353″ type=”page”]Coal/Railroad Days-[/intlink]August (event)
Lewis E. Henegar Miners Memorial park: Callahan Avenue in Appalachia – Open Park with old mining machinery
The Peake Building: Main Street, Appalachia, VA (Guinness Book of Records)
101 Presidential Car: Railroad car from the South Carolina & Georgia Railroad, representative of passenger cars from the late 1800’s. Open Tues-Fri, 10am-5pm; May-Oct., Mon-Sat., 10am-5pm; Sun, 1-5pm.
- Big Stone Gap: Hotels-Food-Services, Gifts, Hospitals, schools and Churches
- Appalachian Day- October – Bullitt Park
- Duff Acadamy: Duff Family Private School
- June Tolliver House: Clinton, Avenue – Restored house,Gifts, Area Crafts and
- John Fox Jr. Museum – East Shawnee Avenue Preserved home of famous author.
- Meador Coal Museum: See how coal was mined here for the last 100 years
- Mountain Empire Community College: mountain crafts, food, music and more (event)
- Dotson Park
- Southwest Virginia Museum-First Street-Exhibits depict heritage of Southwest Virginia.
- “Trail of the Lonesome Pine” Clinton Avenue – Oldest outdoor drama in Virginia
- [intlink id=”353″ type=”page”]Home Crafts Day: [/intlink]October at Mountain Empire Community College
- Coeburn: Churches, food, schools-craft shops, shopping center
- Flatwoods Job Corps
- Flatwoods Picnic Area
- Guest River Rally: Labor Day Weekend-music, crafts, food
- [intlink id=”1343″ type=”post”]Guest River Gorge Trail:[/intlink] A trail made from an old railroad bed. Gorgeous scenery
- Lay’s Hardware Building: Old Time Music, Flat-footing/Clogging every Friday Night
- Old Tacoma School and Community Center: – Blue Grass Music and Dancing- Friday Nigh
- Ramsey-Flea Market: (Wednesdays) Long running flea market that started out as a stock – market, marketing cattle.
- (This flea market has now discontinued after more than 50 years.)
- Lonesome Pine International Raceway
- Shopping Center
Food, Motels, Churches, Schools
- North Fork Dam and Lake: Fishing,Boating and Recreation
- Indian Creek Flea market: Indian Creek Road near Pound
- Bee Bottom Picnic Area-West on 671
- Philips Creek Picnic Area and Beach: Near Pound, VA (Boating}
- Pound Heritage Days: May – Crafts, games, food, music and more. (event).
- [intlink id=”353″ type=”page”]The Historic Red Fox Trail and Killing Rock[/intlink]
- Music on Thursday nights at the Community Center
Saint Paul-Food, Churches, Schools, Shopping
- Ox Bow Lake
- Sugar Hill Loop Trail
- Guests River
Norton: Hotels, Food, Churches, Schools, Shops, Hospitals
- Benges Rock: Ancient Indian prayer site named after the last warrior of any consequence of the Cherokee Nation
- [intlink id=”353″ type=”page”]Best Friend Festival[/intlink] : Crafts, food, games, Chili cook-off, much more (event)
- Country Cabin: Bluegrass Music every Saturday night.
- The Dock Boggs Festival and other events
- Flag Rock Overlook and Recreation Area: Legion Park
- [intlink id=”333″ type=”post”]Norton Reservoir[/intlink]: fishing and recreation
- [intlink id=”353″ type=”page”]Powell Valley Overlook[/intlink] (scenic view)
- VA/KY Opry: Country, Bluegrass, Gospel, Country Music every Saturday night.
- Wise County Chamber of Commerce-765 Park Avenue
- Farmer’s Market
- Wise: Food, Hotels, Shops, Schools, Industrial Park, Shopping Centers
- [intlink id=”353″ type=”page”]Bear Creek Lake and Recreation area[/intlink]
- Camp Bethel – Open Memorial Day to Labor Day daily 9am-5pm
- [intlink id=”353″ type=”page”]Family History Days[/intlink]
- Lonesome Pine Airport (Hurricane section)
- Historical Colonial Hotel/ Inn at Wise
- University of Virginia at Wise (Formerly Clinch Valley College)
- VA/KY District Fair and Horse show (Now June)
- [intlink id=”353″ type=”page”]Wise County Public Library[/intlink]
- Appalachian Artisans-Appalachian Crafts Cultural Arts Center
- [intlink id=”353″ type=”page”]Wings Over Wise: An Air show[/intlink]
- Wise’ Famous Fall Fling