Old Pictures

Ramsey Church Group

Womens Church Group from the Davis Chapel Church in Ramsey submitted by Rick Tunnell Pictured: Standing L-R Ruth Stapleton, Buelah Turner, Lillie Tunnell, Nannie Hickman, Eula ?, ? Hurd, Edna Thacker, Janie Brickey, Mrs. Gilreath, Mrs. Murray, Juanita Gilreath, Janie Stidham, Mrs. Absher, Mattie Fogarty, Ellen Kelly, Aileen Kelly. On the ground L-R Ruth Pike w/brother, ?, ? ,Thelma Collins Osborne, Sarah Collins, Mrs. Davis, Eliza Akers w/ grandson -Eddie Joe Estep, Joyce Collins, Charlotte Collins , Loretta Stidham, Child-unknown.

Big Stone Gap Baseball Team

Big Stone Gap Baseball Team

William Madison Greear

William Madison “Buck” Greear. He and two more killed George Wells in 1864 at Herald on Sandy Ridge.

L to R: JC, Kes and Harve Franks. Three brothers in WW2

Palmer Nelson Football Team 1937

John Counts family from Dickenson County

Marv Austin

High Knob Hotel

Evelyn Slemp’s Picture, Railroad at Glamorgan

L to R William Carter, Pickney Carter, Dute Carter, Unknown

Family from Scott County, VA

David and Ellen Bise Rose from Dickenson County

John May

John May of Pikeville, KY 

George Dewey Scott’s Band the Midnight Troubadours 

Pictured LtoR Trombone: Worley Swindall

          Drums: George Dewey Scott

          Banjo: Elmer Dotson

          Piano: Edmona Swindall

          Sax: Lee Mullins

         Clarinet: unknown 

Baptizing in Guest River.  

Rev Lil McConnell on far right.

Virginia City School

Old High Knob Tower 

Stuart Rose with G Grandchildren 

Alex and Damon Kilgore

Riverview School

Pictured : Top row Lto R Nita Bond, Teacher- David Perry- Pauline Estep- Emmitt Dingus- Evelyn Stallard- Gerald Thompson

2nd row LtoR Eugene Smith- Betty Brewer- Bill White- Sharon Lay

3rd row LtoR Violet Stallard- Bob Culbertson- Barbara Gibson- W C McConnell

4th row L to R Emory Stallard- Margaret May- Jack Willis- Barbara Gilmar- Gene Cockren- Clotean Barr

5th row LtoR Yvonne Holbrooks- Lois Kilgore- Margaret Kennedy- Oma Estep- Jennette Stapleton- Nancy Tompson 6th row Lto R Nina Hilton- Lois McConnell- Ann Strong- Tonya Kilgore- Phyllis Kiser-


The Wise County Historical Society is pleased to announce that they can now offer the complete 1000 page book, “The Stallard Collection – Family History” on CD or thumb Drive at the price of $50 each. For more information contact our office at 276-395-0349. We are located in the lower level of the Wise County Public Library.

Between Brothers

The Wise County Historical Society is happy to announce the reprint of Between Brothers. This is 500 pages of history, stories and genealogy of Wise County Civil War Veterans.

The cost is $40.00, including tax, if picked up at our office located on lower level of Wise Library.

Orders may be mailed to Wise County Historical Society 124 Library Rd, Wise Va 24293. Please remit $40.00 +$5.00 S&H for each book.

Order soon as supply is limited.  

Historical Society Books for sale. See link below.

Download List

The Wise County Historical Society is happy to announce the reprint of Between Brothers. This is 500 pages of history, stories and genealogy of Wise County Civil War Veterans.

The cost is $40.00, including tax, if picked up at our office located on lower level of Wise Library.

Orders may be mailed to Wise County Historical Society 124 Library Rd, Wise Va 24293. Please remit $40.00 +$5.00 S&H for each book.

Order soon as supply is limited.  


Counties in Virginia and How They Were Formed

  1. Orange – 1734-1738
  2. Frederick –   formed from Orange 1738-1772
  3. Augusta  – formed  from Frederick 1738-1770 – Organized in 1745
  4. Botetourt – formed from Augusta 1772
  5. Fincastle – formed from Botetourt  1772-1776
  6. Montgomery – was formed from Fincastle 1776
  7. Washington – formed from Fincastle in 1776
  8. Kentucky – from Fincastle 1776-1780
  9. Smyth – from Washington  1832
  10. Tazewell – from Washington 1799
  11. Russell – from Washington 1786
  12. Buchanan – from Washington 1758
  13. Scott – from Washington 1814
  14. Lee – from  Washington 1792
  15. Wise –  from Lee, Scott and Russell 1856
  16. Dickenson – from Wise, Buchanan & Russell  1880.

Originally, all the land belonging to Virginia west of the Blue Ridge was embraced in the County of Orange.  In 1738, Orange county west of the Blue Ridge was divided into two counties, Frederick and Augusta; and Augusta included the territory now comprising Wise.  In 1769, Augusta County was divided and all the land southwest from Lexington was called Botetourt County, named in honor of the then governor of Virginia, Lord Botetourt; and all the extreme southwestern portion of the State as well as the whole state of Kentucky was then in Botetourt County.  Later Botetourt County was divided and Fincastle County, including all the Western Portion was cut off.  In 1777, Fincastle in turn was divided into three counties, Montgomery, Washington, and Kentucky.  Washington County, Virginia, is said to have been the first political unit ever named in honor of George Washington.  From Washington County were formed the following counties: Russell in 1786, Lee in 1792, and Scott in 1814.  Wise County was formed by taking parts of Russell, Lee and Scott Counties.  It had been estimated that the new county of Wise had but 3 percent of its land under cultivation; the remainder was in wilderness.

The above was taken from the book, , by Luther F. Addington.

I would like to add  that Dickenson County, “Virginia’s Baby” was taken from Wise, Russell and Buchanan Counties and named after W. J Dickenson. (F.S.)

Emory L. Hamilton

Memorial Tribute
by Rhonda Robertson

Emory L. Hamilton, born April 10, 1913 in Wise County and christened Emory Lee; he was the son of Jessee and Sarah Baldwin Hamilton. His love of history began at the feet of his
parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents listening to stories of his ancestors told around the fireplaces and porches of Wise County. Emory was a descendant of the earliest of pioneer families having settled on the frontiers of Southwest Virginia.

He often told of himself and his younger brother, J. B., studying by candlelight in the loft of their old log house in the community known as Hamilton Town. They poked holes in the daubing in the walls and roof so they could lie in their beds beneath feather ticks and look at the stars glinting in the dark sky. Beautiful as this was there was a drawback, and he laughingly told that in winter the snow would sift down through the openings and softly fall on them, making them keep their heads under the cover all night because they didn’t dare tell their parents what they had done.

Emory L. Hamilton

Emory Hamilton

Memorial Tribute
by Rhonda Robertson

Emory L. Hamilton, born April 10, 1913 in Wise County and christened Emory Lee; he was the son of Jessee and Sarah Baldwin Hamilton.  His love of history began at the feet of his
parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents listening to stories of his ancestors told around the fireplaces and porches of Wise County. Emory was a descendant of the earliest of pioneer families having settled on the frontiers of Southwest Virginia.

He often told of himself and his younger brother, J. B., studying by candlelight in the loft of their old log house in the community known as Hamilton Town.  They poked holes in the daubing in the walls and roof so they could lie in their beds beneath feather ticks and look at the stars glinting in the dark sky. Beautiful as this was there was a drawback, and he laughingly told that in winter the snow would sift down through the openings and softly fall on them, making them keep their heads under the cover all night because they didn’t dare tell their parents what they had done.

When Emory graduated from high school there weren’t many  opportunities for young men in Wise County so he traveled to New York to study navigation with the Merchant Marines.  It was while living in New York and working on board the Merchant ships that the Depression came and everyone lost their jobs causing his return home to Wise.  He worked odd jobs until he applied for and was accepted by the WPA.   his assignment was to document and record the early settlements of Wise County.  The only problem was that his investigation and recording of these settlements was limited by how far he could walk or with whom he could hitch a ride. The assignment only fueled his love of  history and from this work came his manuscripts of Indian Atrocities Along the Clinch, Powell and Holston Rivers, The Early Frontier, Early Settlements and Early Houses.  In addition to the hundreds of articles that appeared in various publications ad local newspapers.

After his enjoyable work in the WPA, World War Ii came and Emory enlisted in the Army Air Corps on January 14,  1941 at Roanoke, VA and trained as an Administrative Specialist, being promoted to Technical sergeant in the 3539th Base Unit.  He transferred on January 23, 1942 to Australia, and then on to the battles and campaigns of New Guinea and the Northern Solomons.

Emory related that it was so hot everyone had to sleep outside at night n hammocks strung between the trees.  These hammocks were covered with netting that not only served to keep out the mosquitoes, but he also told that at night, things would fall out of trees onto the netting and roll onto the ground.  Those things were snakes!  Emory reenlisted in the 309th Army  Air Force at Greenville, South Carolina on November 19, 1945 and was discharged from the service on January 11, 1947 in Greenville.  He might have made a career out of military service, but he returned to care for his widowed mother.

When Emory returned home he worked for several years in the County Circuit Court Clerk’s office until a position opened in the Wise County Vocational School where he taught sheet metal and drafting until his retirement.  Many are the men who took drafting and sheet metal under his tutelage.

Emory was a founding and charter member of the Historical Society of Southwest Virginia and served as its secretary for 30 years before giving up the position due to ill health.  Emory answered hundreds of letters and phone calls each month from people searching out their family genealogy and the early history of Southwest Virginia. Had Emory lived to see the beginning of the Wise County Historical Society he would have been one of its most avid supporters and would have been in the office daily to answer questions and help out.  He took great enjoyment in helping people in their quest and was a fount of knowledge which is sorely missed and cannot be replaced.

From his love of history came his passion for antiques and he had a most impressive collection of porcelain mustache cups and pattern glass pitchers and creamers.  His pitchers and creamers are on display at the lonesome Pine Regional Library.

Along with his keen interest in history and genealogy, he also had a great interest in astronomy and harbored a secret desire to have been an archaeologist.

Emory contracted cancer of he lung, which recurred after a short remission and passed away on November 3, 1991 while hospitalized in Kingsport, Tennessee.  He is buried by his mother and father in the Wells Cemetery in Esserville, VA

I Like to think of him like Indiana Jones, in a leather jacket with a battered fedora, turning to doff his hat in goodbye as he prepares to stride off to a new adventure.

Memorial Tribute to Emory Hamilton
by Rhonda  Robertson

Do Not Stand At My Grave and Weep

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow,

I am the gentle showers of rain,
I am the fields of ripening grain.

I am in the morning hush,
I am in the graceful rush,
Of beautiful birds in circling flight,
I am in the starshine of the night.

I am in the flowers that bloom,
I am in a quiet room,
I am in the birds that sing,
I am in each lovely thing.

Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there, I do not die.

Mary E. Frye