Author: Fannie Steele
The Texas Club
A Tribute To Ganell Marshall
Ganell serves as the Associate Editor of the Appalachian Quarterly published by Wise County Historical Society and works tirelessly with the set-up and lay-out of the magazine. Ganell puts in many hours of hard work each month putting material into page-maker, working with pictures and finally printing it out for final proof- reading.
Ganell was born in the Riverview section of Coeburn, Virginia. She was married to the late Darvin Marshall, They have two sons: Bill and John Marshall. Ganell lives in the Sandy Ridge section where she and Darvin made their home.
Ganell has put in countless hours in building and helping maintain the Sandy Ridge Old Regular Baptist Church and the old school building. She has taken on the responsibility of copying any old church records pertaining to the Old Regular Baptist Church that can be found. She has worked for about 40 years on her family history research.
Ganell has worked with crafts since 1960 making corn-shuck and apple-head dolls as well as serving as an officer in craft organizations. She is a member of the Southern Highland Craft Guild, past and present member of Sandy Ridge Handicrafters; past member of Piedmont Crafts, Inc.; past member of the Blue Ridge Hearthside Crafts, as well as others. Her work has been featured on White House Christmas trees several times; in the Smithsonian Museum; in national magazines and special exhibits across the country. She and her husband Darvin, were active in the formation of the local community center at Fairview School on Sandy Ridge.
In addition to the Appalachian Quarterly, corn-shuck dolls, and everything else she does, Ganell enjoys helping others in learning to use the computer.
Counties in Virginia and How They Were Formed
- Orange – 1734-1738
- Frederick – formed from Orange 1738-1772
- Augusta – formed from Frederick 1738-1770 – Organized in 1745
- Botetourt – formed from Augusta 1772
- Fincastle – formed from Botetourt 1772-1776
- Montgomery – was formed from Fincastle 1776
- Washington – formed from Fincastle in 1776
- Kentucky – from Fincastle 1776-1780
- Smyth – from Washington 1832
- Tazewell – from Washington 1799
- Russell – from Washington 1786
- Buchanan – from Washington 1758
- Scott – from Washington 1814
- Lee – from Washington 1792
- Wise – from Lee, Scott and Russell 1856
- Dickenson – from Wise, Buchanan & Russell 1880.
Originally, all the land belonging to Virginia west of the Blue Ridge was embraced in the County of Orange. In 1738, Orange county west of the Blue Ridge was divided into two counties, Frederick and Augusta; and Augusta included the territory now comprising Wise. In 1769, Augusta County was divided and all the land southwest from Lexington was called Botetourt County, named in honor of the then governor of Virginia, Lord Botetourt; and all the extreme southwestern portion of the State as well as the whole state of Kentucky was then in Botetourt County. Later Botetourt County was divided and Fincastle County, including all the Western Portion was cut off. In 1777, Fincastle in turn was divided into three counties, Montgomery, Washington, and Kentucky. Washington County, Virginia, is said to have been the first political unit ever named in honor of George Washington. From Washington County were formed the following counties: Russell in 1786, Lee in 1792, and Scott in 1814. Wise County was formed by taking parts of Russell, Lee and Scott Counties. It had been estimated that the new county of Wise had but 3 percent of its land under cultivation; the remainder was in wilderness.
The above was taken from the book, , by Luther F. Addington.
I would like to add that Dickenson County, “Virginia’s Baby” was taken from Wise, Russell and Buchanan Counties and named after W. J Dickenson. (F.S.)
A Tribute to Nina Mullins
Nina Counts Mullins

Born in the shadows of the mountains in Dickenson County, VA on a blustery March morning, Nina Ruth Counts emerged into a family of five children. Nina being the oldest assumed responsibility at an early age. Nina was married at age 19 to Cossie Mullins, Jr. and they began their married life in Clinchco, VA, then moved Scott Robinson Hollow Road where she has lived since.
Over the years , after caring for four elderly members of her husband’s and her family and then Cossie who died of ALS she has dedicated her life to different organizations of service. She has been a member of the Home Extension for 30 years and was elected Homemaker of the Year for two straight years. She is a charter member of the Norton Community Hospital Auxiliary and has served as President for three years and current buyer and manager of the Helping Hands Gift Shop.
She is a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Pound and is involved with feeding the elderly and disabled in the church community. She is a charter member of the Wise County Historical Society and helps in whatever capacity she is needed. She is our best sales person traveling to various community activities and helping set up tables and attending them selling books for the Historical Society to help keep it afloat.
Nina is a great cook, very good at entertaining and has had the Historical Society to her home for dinners and has catered certain social events presented by the Historical Society.
Above all she is a dedicated mother of one daughter, Sheryl, three grandchildren and four great-grandsons and is always there for whoever needs her.
Native American & Melungeon Museum and Gathering
Native American and Melungeon Museum at Best Friend Festival – June 1996 in Norton, VA
Phillip Trent Collection of Native American Artifacts – Trent Street in Norton was named for Phillip Trent

Phillip and Marlene Trent with Native American man Fannie Steele and Gray Fox /
A Melungeon Gathering
At Clinch Valley College where over 1000 people attended.
Melungeon People are said to be a group of people with mixed White, Indian and Negro and perhaps Asian ancestry in the southern Appalachians. They are of uncertain origin, however research is being done to find more information. Note: If anyone has photos of this event and would like to share them,for this website,
please email them to
Some of the peoples names are unknown

Nina Mullins
Sands of Time
Sands of Time
Sifting through the sands of time
Finding things of yours and mine
Gathering a unique selection
Called the Crabtree-Stanley Collection.
Searching through old record books
Among the many places that we looked
Turning back through endless ages
Getting lost among faded pages.
Rolls and reels of microfilm
Until our eyes were tired and dim
Writing letters by the score
Calling cousins up galore!
To our forefather’s resting place
In solitude of dawn’s gray light
The tombstones beckon me to come
They tell their names and when they died.
In this peaceful resting place I recall
Thing’s of my mother’s recollection
When they were young on Crabtree Fork
I call it the Crabtree-Stanley Collection.
Fannie Lane Steele
Researching Virginia Records
Many of our members have requested suggestions on how to do genealogical research in Virginia records. The following is an attempt to list the highlights of records that are available throughout Virginia.
Individuals using Virginia records are very fortunate, as few of the records dealing with Virginia citizens have been lost due to fire or other catastrophes. The majority of the records in the courthouses of all the 99 Virginia counties are virtually intact.
By Rhonda Robertson
Many of our members have requested suggestions on how to do genealogical research in Virginia records. The following is an attempt to list the highlights of records that are available throughout Virginia.
Individuals using Virginia records are very fortunate, as few of the records dealing with Virginia citizens have been lost due to fire or other catastrophes. The majority of the records in the courthouses of all the 99 Virginia counties are virtually intact.
The first step in doing genealogical research is, of course, to talk with the oldest members of your family. They have, not only the factual knowledge of your history, but wonderful stories that add so much to your research and your understanding of those ancestors who are but dim photographs in ornate frames or photo albums.
Marriage Records
Marriage Bonds: From the earliest days of the Virginia colonies through 1853, individuals were required to obtain a marriage bond from the county of their residence. The concept of marriage bonds was derived from the old English custom of “publishing the banns”. The bond for a potential marriage was
posted by the father of either the bride or groom or some other close member of the family. The bond was $500, posted in either cash or property and was used to guarantee the forthcoming wedding. Virginia knew how to make money even then! Marriage Bonds are recorded from 1607 through 1853. Witnesses and individuals securing the bond are listed along with the prospective bride and groom, but no relationships to the couple are indicated. The date of the marriage bond is the date the bond was secured, not the date of the marriage. occasionally, a minister’s return is attached to the bond and if the bride or groom was underage, a “permission to marry” letter from the parents is also attached. Marriage Bond books and copies of the actual marriage bonds are on file in the Clerk’s Offices.
Marriage Licenses: in 1853, Virginia passed a law that Marriage Bonds would no longer be allowable to celebrate the rites of matrimony in Virginia. The new marriage license listed the names of the bridge and groom, their ages, sex, marital status, names of both sets of parents, the occupation of the groom, date the license was obtained, the place of residence and marriage and the
name of the minister. The requirement of all this additional information was a boon to genealogical research, providing a wealth of information in ‘register form. Also in the Clerk’s Office are the three-part Marriage Licenses. The names of the bride and groom are considered the first-part of the license. The second-part is the statistical information concerning the bride and groom. The third-part is the minister’s return, listing the date and place of the marriage and signed by him.
Land Records
From the formation of a county, through approximately the latter part of the 1800s, individuals recording land did so through a land entry-land survey process. In the 1700s there was no legal provision for the buying and selling of property through the recording of deeds. All property transactions were handled by land grant, land patent, bounty land warrant, Commissioner’s Certificate, etc.
Land was granted in large blocks, consisting of hundreds of thousands of acres, to land companies. In Southwest Virginia, land was granted primarily to the Loyal Land Company and the Ohio Land Company during the 1740s and 1750s. The companies sent surveyors and survey crews into this uncharted wilderness to survey and map their holdings. Maps were prepared by these surveyors and used by the company agents to sell land to the early settlers, site unseen. The company then issued a land patent to the purchaser. If the purchaser decided to sell the property, they merely wrote on the back of the patent to whom the property was transferred and the date of the transfer. Hence, property could be transferred many times between various individuals before it was actually ever entered officially into any record.
As counties were formed, individuals living in those counties were required to bring their patents, grants, etc. to the Courthouse and have them entered in the Land Entry Book. By entering your land you were requesting that the County Surveyor come and survey the property and enter it officially into the county records.
During the French and Indian War the English government granted large
blocks of land to soldiers in lieu of payment. Again, during the Revolutionary War, the newly established government of the United States could not afford to pay the majority of its soldiers, so land was granted for military service.
The award of land in acreage depended on the rank held by the soldier during the war. Normally, a private in the Revolutionary War received 400 acres. The location of the property was not specified on the land grant. The soldier could take the grant into any county and record 400 acres of unclaimed land.
Land Entry Books: Individuals living in the county at the time of its formation or moving into the county thereafter were required to record a Land Entry of their property. The source of the acquisition of the land was listed (grant, patent, etc.), the date of the acquisition, a description of the property. Unfortunately, many times the descriptions were only trees and rocks, but in many cases creeks, rivers and streams on which the property was located are mentioned.
Land Survey Books: After a land entry was recorded, a land survey was performed
by the County Surveyor, who was required to visit the property, record its most well known or visible boundaries. Many of the land surveys contains the names of neighboring property owners and other useful bits of information. The
callings given by the County Surveyor were sites and descriptions that would
have been well known to individuals living in the area during that time, but a mystery to those of us conducting research. The names of the neighboring property owners is of particular interest, as the early settlers tended to buy
their property and settle in groups as generally there was a physical relationship between these people. Early settlers, like many in our area today, tended to settle in groups of inter-related families. occasionally, property was recorded in the land entry books under one name, but the property was not surveyed in that same name. Either the individual withdrew the request and decided to record their entries elsewhere or the property was sold before the survey was completed.
Deeds: After the legal provisions for the recording of deeds was initiated, counties began to record the buying and selling of property. Deeds list the name of the buyer, the seller, and any other individuals involved in the transfer of property, and the date of the transfer. The callings or description of the property can again provide the location and immediate neighbors. occasionally, deeds can also be used to establish relationships between individuals. Many of the earliest settlers died without leaving wills so their property was automatically divided between their heirs. The property division was not recorded until the heirs sold their share of the estate.
Court Records
Wills: The Last Will and Testament and Estate Appraisals are recorded in county Will books. Wills give a concise picture of the property, both real and personal, owned by an individual as well as their bequests. Wills are excellent tools in proving familial relationships. Estate Appraisals and Sales of personal property are also recorded in the will books. Estate sales list the items of property owned by the individual, the debts owed and to whom. Items of the estate that were sold, list the amount the item brought and the buyer. Widows of the deceased could be left out of the will, if it was the desire of the husband. He could also dictate whether or not she could remarry. The normal procedure for remarriagebeing the forfeiture of her interest in her husband’s estate. Wills in Virginia are recorded beginning in 1607.
Court Orders: In counties where records have been destroyed by fire or other means, court orders can be used to establish numerous items. If deed books have been destroyed, the court order book list the order for the official recordation of deeds. The order for the recording of Wills are also to be found in the Court Order Books. The cost of building or remodeling the courthouse were recorded, the cost of food, lodging and drink were required for anyone requesting a tavern license. If an individual wanted to build a grist mill on their property, a notice had to be posted on the front of the courthouse with a hearing date to give anyone opposed to the license a chance to appear. The pay scale for officers of the court, the deputy sheriff and travel expenses were recorded. Individuals convicted of crimes were also listed along with their offense. Taxes, paid by individuals, in the form of road construction and maintenance were recorded.
Birth Records: Beginning in 1853, Virginia passed a law requiring the recordation of births within. any given county. The birth registers are on file in each clerk’s office beginning in 1853 and ending sometime in the late 1880s or early 1890s.
Births were again recorded beginning in June of 1912 through 1919 when they were required to be sent to the Bureau of Vital Statistics of the Health Department. The early birth registers contain the name of the child, date of birth, place of birth, name of father and mother, and father’s occupation. The name of the individual recording the birth and their relationship to the child is also listed.
Death Records: Death records, as with birth, were required to be recorded beginning in 1853 and continuing until the latter 1880s or early 1890s. There is a blankspace between 1890 and 1912 when no births or deaths were recorded. Deaths were again recorded beginning in June of 1912 and continuing through 1919. The death registers list the name of the deceased, place and date of death, cause of death, age, name of father and mother, and the recorder of the information.
Military Records
French and Indian War Service: No repository of records from the French and Indian War currently exists. only a few scattered records exist for the soldiers of that war. Most service information is found in the Court Order books of counties.
Revolutionary War: Soldiers and officers serving in the Revolutionary War, have military records on file in the National Archives in Washington, DC. In the early 1800s, Congress passed legislation that provided a pension for indigent soldiers who could prove service in the Revolutionary War. In each county of Virginia, former soldiers petitions for pension are on file. Those pensions are also included in a packet bearing that soldiers name in the National Archives.
Copies of these service records can be obtained from the National Archives or by visiting the county in which the petition was filed. The pension applications contain the date and place of birth of the soldier, the county and state in which he enlisted or was drafted and a detailed account of his military service, battles, etc. Whether or not pension was granted is also noted. These pension applications represent only a fraction of the soldiers that served. If a soldier was killed in battle or denied before the pension provision was enacted or if the former soldier was able to support himself, then no pension application is on file. Pensions for Revolutionary War service for widows was enacted a few years later. Detailed lists of military units and soldiers are on file in the National Archives. Recently, the military records and pension applications for the Revolutionary War have all been microfilmed and can be ordered from companies specializing in the renting of microfilm and sometimes through inter-library loan. Rolls of microfilm can also be purchased for private use directly from the National Archives.
War of 1812: Military records for the soldiers and sailors of the War of 1812 are also on file in the National Archives. Like the Revolutionary War, pension was again granted for indigent soldiers and are on file in the counties in which they resided at the time of application or the National Archives. These pension applications unfortunately are not as detailed as those of the Revolutionary War. The military records are microfilmed.
Civil War: Unlike previous wars, records from the Civil War are handled quite differently. Pension and military records for soldiers of the Union army and navy are on file at the National Archives in Washington, DC. Southern soldiers and sailors, on the other hand, are on file at the courthouses in each county were they resided. The South never surrendered the papers or documents pertaining to the military service of its soldiers. Pension applications for Union soldiers are printed on blue paper and applications for Southern soldiers are on gray paper. These pension applications contain a great deal of genealogical information from their birth place and date to their family history and the details of the military service.
Various Sources
Virginia Correspondence: Early records dealing with Southwest Virginia in the form of correspondence to the Governor and the House of D41egates are preserved in the multi-volume Calendar of Virginia State Papers and Henning’s Statutes at Large. Most of these records have been published in hard copy form and can be ordered through interlibrary loan.
Virginia State Library: An excellent source of genealogical and historical information. The Virginia State Library contains the collections of many of Virginia’s foremost genealogists and historians. Of particular interest to Southwest Virginia is the collection of Gordon Aronhime, formerly of Bristol.
The Virginia State Library has microfilm copies of all the court records from all the counties of Virginia: Wills, Deeds, Court Orders, Birth Registers, Death Registers, Miscellaneous papers, Marriage Registers, etc. Along with this collection are the correspondence between Virginia citizens and the House of Delegates. All this material can be accessed through inter-library loan.
Alderman Library: The University of Virginia contains the genealogical and historical material dealing with Southwest Virginia. The official repository for the records, and files of the W.P.A. project papers from the 1930s dealing with Southwest Virginia. Boxes and boxes of interviews with area residents are available for photocopying and research.
Virginia Genealogist: Published for over twenty years, an excellent source of unpublished material. Back issues are available on microfilm and current issues are available on microfilm or hard copy.
Virginia Magazine of History and Biography: No longer published, but an excellent source of early Virginia records and documents. Many of the items published inthis magazine were from private collections. A complete copy of the entire series can be found at the Virginia State Library.
College of William and Mary Quarterly: Still published by the College of William and Mary. wonderful source of Virginia information dealing mostly with the Eastern part of Virginia, with occasional mentions and items dealing with Southwest Virginia.
Census Records: Census records are available on microfilm beginning with 1790,the first census through 1920, which has recently been released. The census records for 1790 through 1840 contain only a minute amount of information. The name of the head of the household is listed, but only number of females and males are listed according to their age groups. Beginning in 1850, entire households were listed by name, age, place of birth and occupation. Notations were made as to physical disabilities on this census. As each new census was taken every ten years, more and more information was added until the 1920 census is an enormous volume of genealogical data.
Draper Manuscripts: A collection of letters written to Lyman C. Draper in the middle to latter 1800s from individuals who had lived in Southwest Virginia. These letters were solicited and compiled in conjunction with a history he was planning to write about Daniel Boone. These collected letters comprise approximately 50 rolls of microfilm belonging to the Wisconsin Historical Society.
Tax Records: Tax records for each county in Virginia are on file at the Virginia State Library. These contain only a minimal amount of information, normally listing only the name of the individual being taxed and the amount of their tax. A woman was only listed on the tax rolls for one year and that was the year of her widowhood.
County Petitions: on file at the Virginia State Library are county petitions filed with the Governor or House of Delegates. These petitions range from the formation of a county to the changing of county lines. Individuals signed their names to these petitions and the signatures are preserved on these original documents. Copies of these petitions can be obtained by writing to the Virginia State Library. During the early days of our country, many people were illiterate and there were people who made their living traveling from home to home and place to place, teaching individuals to sign their names to official documents.
You now have the basic tools to begin the search for your ancestors. The real reward of your search is the uncovering of bits and pieces of their lives and hints of their personalities. Through them we can participate in the founding and settlement of our country. So treasure each little of bit of information you find about them, no matter how seemingly insignificant, for it gives you just a little more insight into who they were and ultimately a glimpse into ourselves.
Problems and Fun of Family Historians
Problems and Fun of the Family Historians
Every family has at least one
In this case you may count three
Plus the others who informed us
Of the twigs upon the tree.
When they listed all the children
Failed to note where they belong
Was it this one? Was it that one?
All named Rawley, Sam or John!
When they didn’t give their grand-dad
Or the one who was his wife
What a problem was before us!
Couldn’t tell to save your life!
We have gone to lonely graveyards
For a name, a place, a date
Just to verify a grandpa
And his second unknown mate.
We have searched in courthouse attics
For the records hidden there
In the files and in the boxes
Fragile papers, old and rare.
Hunting, searching, looking, leafing
For a glimpse into the past
History was in the making
And for us our lot was cast!
Hazardous, the jaunts we’ve taken
Climbing fences, fording streams
Barbed wire, chiggers, poison ivy
Swinging bridges and bad dreams.
Parting bushes, chalking tombstones, Microfilms, a hundred reels
Husbands wondering if ever,
they would get some home-cooked meals
Books and folders, jumble, clutter
We have made a great collection
Deeds and wills and land appraisals
Now its called Stallard Connection.
Tell us, now the data’s gathered, Plus the pictures old and dim
Have we failed to have the right one,
Hanging on the proper limb?
Gladys J. Stallard
I Went Back Home Today
I went Back Home Today
I went back home today,
Where I was born and raised
Anticipation filled my soul
Nostalgic memories I embraced.
As I arrived upon the scene
I was filled with disillusion
I did not recognize the place,
My mind clouded with confusion.
There was nothing left but weeds and thorns,
Where once our house had stood
And the garden spot where we once toiled
Grew locust, briars and sourwood.
Where was the yard where we used to play,
And the path to the bubbling spring?
Where is the barn and the chicken coops?
The split-rail fence and the apple trees?
I turned to leave and looked around
To take one last glance and behold!
It was all there as clear as day,
The scenes of long ago.
A log house fastened sure and strong,
Against the winter’s wind
The field of ripened, golden grain
Lay lazily glistening in the sun.
Pa’s weather-beaten rifle,
Leaning against the old porch rail
Just waiting for the culprit
That spilled the milking pail.
And children’s melodious song,
Floating upon the morning breeze
The pungent smell of firewood smoke,
Filtering through the trees.
Mama calling from the doorway
In a voice so sweet and clear
It rang out to the hills above
“Its supper time, come here!”
I stood there spellbound in a trance
Reliving days gone by
Awakened by a teardrop,
Slowly trickling from my eye.
We hear the words, “You can’t go back”
That is what most folks say
Inside my heart I know they’re wrong
I went back home today.
Fannie Lane Steele